Empowered Badass Normal: Alf and Ryfia essentially pressure him to start using magic too-not to mention his later-gained ability to summon Rogress.Elemental Powers: Namely Dishing Out Dirt, Playing with Fire, Light 'em Up and Blow You Away.L'Arc initially refuses to take Ryfia to Jada as she's a stranger from the enemy country, despite it being her mother's dying wish. The Dulcinea Effect: Averted, surprisingly.Disappeared Dad: He died when L'Arc was still an infant.Serge: " must be pushing himself hard, probably not even realizing it." Determinator: More stoic than the standard example, but you have to give credit to the guy: no matter what happens, he never suffers from a Heroic BSoD, and instead does his best to focus on what he needs to do.Designated Hero: In-Universe, L'Arc makes a deadpan comment on this when he and the others are busting out of prison and Cecille talks about beating the bad guys, to which L'Arc points out that " what with that declaration of war I brought along, I'm kind of the only real bad guy here.".Deadpan Snarker: He often has some kind of sarcastic commentary to make on the situation.The Comically Serious: Being a rather straight-laced Tsundere, he tends to make for a good recipient for teasing from other members of the party.And to everyone's surprise, he's one of the two. The Chosen One: Of something, though everyone is initially very vague on what being the Child of Eesa means.Child Soldiers: He's a legionnaire at age seventeen, and has likely been working for the Imperial army for a while by the present.
Leslie even pokes fun at it in a skit, commenting that Ryfia might not need the Talk for a while considering who her potential partner is.
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Apologetic Attacker: If he's in your party when you defeat Weiss, the end-battle quote will be him apologizing to Weiss.
Anti-Hero: He's a good guy, but scoffs at the more heroic and squeaky-clean attitude of those like Alf.One good example is when Ryfia runs off on her own to Dragon Prison and L'Arc immediately rips into her, before Alf scolds him that said, Ryfia knows he means well by it. Despite L'Arc being hardworking and competent, he receives some scorn from people who don't think well of mercenaries, and if one goes around talking to the soldier NPCs in the beginning of the game, it's clear that some don't like him because of his friendship with Alf as well. Always Someone Better: Alf's perception of him.L'Arc's encounter with Ryfia is the first event that changes everything he has stood for. And once he is revealed to be a Child of Eesa, L'Arc has a hard time dealing with everything that's being forced on his shoulders. L'Arc is a stubborn swordsman who does what he wants to do. Voiced by: Yūichi Nakamura (JP), Brett Coleman (EN)Ī mercenary for hire working for the empire.